Your heart is a muscle that pumps blood to all parts of your body. The blood gives your body the oxygen and nourishment it needs to work properly. Coronary arteries supply the heart muscle with blood. The left and right cornary arteries divide many times to spread over the heart muscle wall and give it blood and oxygen. The coronary arteries get blood from the aorta, the major artery taking blood to the rest of the body.
Coronary heart disease affects many people. It's a chronic condition - that means it is long term.
Coronary heart disease happens when fatty material builds up in your arteries. This makes them narrower. The fatty material is called 'plaque'. Plaque builds up slowly, and this process is called atherosclerosis. It can start when you are young and be well advanced by middle age.
Stable plaque is generally not harmful but if the arteries narrow too much it can cause angina.
If a blood clot forms in a narrow artery and blocks the blood supply to part of your heart, it can cause a heart attack.
Reducing or removing risk factors can assist the management of CHD or prevent the development of CHD.
Ref. Reducing risk in heart disease - An expert guide to clinical practice for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease Updated 2012